Preventing Holiday Injuries & Emergencies
The Holiday Season is supposed to be the most wonderful and joyous time of the year, and for the most part, it is. Unfortunately, it also happens to be the most injury-prone season of the year.
The holiday season is a joyful time spent with family and friends. We at Prestige ER, want to help make this time as safe for you and your family as possible. For this reason, please join us in our efforts towards preventing holiday injuries in emergencies.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued the following statistics:
- In 2018 there were 166,200 toy-related, emergency department-treated injuries
- Of those 166,200 toy-related injuries 17 children under the age of 15 died
- Cooking fires are the leading cause of residential fires
- During the 2017 holiday season, some 18,100 people received treatment in emergency rooms due to seasonal decorating-related injuries
- In the 2018 holiday season, five people died from injuries associated with holiday decorating

Tips For Avoiding Common Holiday-Related Injuries
Although there are no guarantees, planning and being mindful go a long way in preventing holiday injuries and emergencies.
Tips to Prevent Toy-Related Injuries
- Read the toy safety information on the labels and follow the age-appropriate guidance. Only buy toys that match the kid’s abilities.
- Make sure kids use helmets, and other protective gear when riding toys like bicycles, skateboards, and scooters
- Keep small items including small toys or toy parts away from children younger than 3

Tips to Prevent Kitchen Injuries
- Keep children, especially toddlers, out of the kitchen when you are cooking
- Only allow the number of people you need to help to remain in the kitchen while you are cooking. Keep any extra helpers out of the kitchen
- Don’t leave food unattended while it’s cooking
Keep a fire extinguisher in the house in a room close to the kitchen

Tips to Prevent Alcohol-Related Injuries
We know the Holidays are a festive time, but you always drink responsibly, and never drink and drive.
- Limit your alcohol intake to no more than two standard drinks per day if possible
- Don’t ingest alcohol on an empty stomach
- Don’t refill your glass when it’s half-empty; this will help keep count of how many drinks you’ve had

Tips to Prevent Sports-Related Injuries
Family sports games are a staple in many households. However, if you are not careful, someone could end up in our ER with a sprained ankle, an injured knee, or worse a broken bone. To prevent this, remember:
- Warm-up before you start playing any sport
- Lightly stretch your muscles before and after physical activity
- Wear the right sports gear including shoes and clothing
- Avoid playing full-contact football, instead, go for a friendly game of flag football
- Don’t do any sports activities if you’ve been drinking
- Stop playing if you feel any pain or discomfort.
- If the pain your experience is severe head to Prestige ER as soon as possible

Happy Holidays From All of Us!
Our Prestige ER family wishes you and your loved ones a Happy Holiday Season. If you should need us during these festive days, our facility will remain open 24/7. We are here for you whenever you need us. recommends that in case of an emergency, you head straight to the closest ER.
You DO NOT need to get prior approval from your health insurance company.
They will cover expenses barring whatever your deductible and coinsurance/copayments are for emergency treatments.
Prestige ER is open and ready to care for you during an emergency in which your health is significantly jeopardized 24/7, we work with all major insurance companies and our Patient Advocate team is available to help you understand your coverage and rights. We will guide and fight for you every step of the way.
They will cover expenses barring whatever your deductible and coinsurance/copayments are for emergency treatments.
Prestige ER is open and ready to care for you during an emergency in which your health is significantly jeopardized 24/7, we work with all major insurance companies and our Patient Advocate team is available to help you understand your coverage and rights. We will guide and fight for you every step of the way. For more information regarding your rights as a patient, view our Insurance Information.
Know Where to Go in the Event of an Emergency
Prestige ER is Your #1 Choice During an Emergency.
#WeStayOPEN 24/7, through weekends & all holidays!
Prestige ER is honored to serve the residents and those passing through Plano and surrounding cities like Frisco and Allen.
Part of caring for your health is to know where to go in case of an emergency. Please keep in mind that Prestige ER is Open 24/7 every day of the year, if you need us, we are here for you.
We are available 24/7 because an accident can happen at any time. Do not risk your health! Get help from the ER experts when you need it, visit us immediately at either our Mesquite or Plano locations.
#1 Medical Emergency Room in Plano & Mesquite
Find the ER Specialists at, We provide the Best 24 HR. Emergency Medical Services in Plano and Mesquite. Don’t Wait in Line for ER Care! Don’t forget that WE STAY OPEN 24/7.
Get back on track to enjoying life, FAST! Experienced, Effective, and Caring Emergency Physicians team up with the best On-Site ER care for everything from Minor to Major Injuries and Conditions.
- CT Scan, Digital X-Ray & Ultrasound
- Certified Full-Service Diagnostic Laboratory
- Specialized Pediatrics ER Care Facilities
- Extended Stay Capacity