Our 24 Hr ER Care & Treatments
At Prestige ER, we are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
When every second is critical, we’re there to help you get care fast so you can get well soon. During an emergency, we strive to ensure the most comfortable patient experience through prompt service and minimal wait times. Prestige Emergency Room provides a full range of emergency medical services and treatments.

Emergency Services
- CT Scan
- Digital X-Ray
- Ultrasound
- Full Services Laboratory
- Cardiac Enzyme Analysis
- Pediatrics ER care
- Fluid/ Antibiotics
- Administer and Supply Splints & Crutches
- Emergency breathing treatments
- Treatments for heart attacks
- Strep, Mono and Flu Test

Emergency Treatments
- Chest Pain and heart attacks
- Simple and complex lacerations
- Pneumonia
- Burns rashes, insect bites, stings
- Dehydration
- Fluid/ Antibiotics
- Administer and Supply Splints & Crutches
- Emergency breathing treatments
- Treatments for heart attacks
- Strep, Mono and Flu Test