Halloween Safety Tips: Protecting Your Ghouls and Goblins
Have a lovely time on the creepiest day of the year through Prestige ER’s Halloween Safety Tips. Halloween is a fun and unique night for kids and grownups alike, but, it can also be an evening full of safety hazards.
From tummy aches from eating too many treats, and tripping over customers to more severe incidents like being hit by a car. Halloween is in fact, one of the deadliest nights of the year because of the high number of drunk drivers and the increased amount of people walking in the streets.
This year Prestige ER’s goal is to reduce the number of severe injuries on Halloween night; to help accomplish this, we would like to share a few simple Halloween safety tips so you and your family can enjoy this super fun night.
Costume Safety
The first of our Halloween Safety Tips is all about selecting a safe costume.
- Plan to use costumes made with bright colored, reflective materials, so, motorists can easily see you from a distance
- Avoid using costumes that are too long, or have excessive flowing materials that can cause you to trip
- Choose non-toxic face paint and makeup instead of masks; masks can obstruct your vision and cause you to trip and fall.
- Costume fabrics, as well as wigs and other accessories, should be flame resistant
- If your child’s costume includes a prop such as a sword, cane, broom, or stick, make sure they are not sharp or too long.

Jack-O-Lantern Safety
Nothing says Halloween more than a nicely carved Jack-O-Lantern, but, these too can pose a safety risk if not handled properly.
- Small children should never be allowed to carve a pumpkin, instead give your kids a marker and let them draw a scary face which an adult can later sculpt
- Use flashlights or glow sticks rather than candles to illuminate your Jack-O-Lantern
- If you are using candles, a votive is the best choice, and make sure to place your pumpkin on a sturdy surface away from curtains or other flammable objects.
- Never leave a candle unattended

On the Trick-or-Treat Trail
The next of our Halloween safety tips is to ensure you enjoy trick-or-treating safely.
- Children under 13 should always be accompanied by an adult
- Avoid venturing to unknown neighborhoods where children can quickly become disoriented and lost
- Always carry a flashlight with fresh batteries
- Plan and review the route your older children will be taking, and agree on a specific time to return home
- Instruct your children to only visit homes with a porch light and never enter a house to receive a treat
- Stay in a group as much as possible
- Always carry a cell phone with a fully charged battery
- Remain on well-lit streets and always use the sidewalks
- If there are no sidewalks, walk at the far edge of the road facing traffic
- Cross streets as a group in designated crossways, never cross a street between parked cars

Treat Safety
- Always inspect the treats before you let your children eat them
- Give your kids a good meal before they go out trick-or-treating to discourage them from eating too many sweet treats
- Ration treats for the days and weeks after Halloween, don’t allow your kids to overindulge in sweet treats to avoid tummy aches and other digestive disorders
This Halloween night, let’s work together as a community, taking care of our friends and neighbors, try offering alternative treats such as coloring books or healthy snacks. And, if you see any suspicious individuals in your neighborhood don’t hesitate to contact the local authorities.
At Prestige ER, our emergency staff will be available on Halloween just as they are every other night to attend any accidental injuries or illnesses.

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